Product Design in collaboration with Bernhard Ranner, funded by aws Creative Industries Voucher.


The existing consumerist society, and its accompanying production structure, has been shaping our relationships with electronic products: We buy a product, only to throw it away after a couple of years. This fast renewal of our daily electronic tools removes the ground for us to grow deeper relationships with them.

But how would such a digital product be? What can be the traits in the future digital products, that would enable symbolic associations? How to design habits and rituals, for a deeper experience with such products? And what would be the technology behind, to enable operability for a lifetime?

CUOR tries to seek answers for these questions, by focusing on a simple but deeply symbolic human property: the heartbeat. The form of a magical stone hides the existing technology behind, whereas the functionality of an accessoire makes it a product that would accompany its user at all times so that habits and rituals develop.

The Concept

The Process

The first version was based on a solenoid based linear actuator, with a rough 3D printed heart shape.

Fluid sinusoidal wave generation algorithm:

Imagining the body of the necklace as a fluid hold together in the shape of a heart, this model generates waves as the heart beats. The wavelength is equal to heart rate. Including several sources of wave generation creates different fused aesthetics.

Vortex based deformation algorithm:

Electronics Integration

The first version was based on a solenoid based linear actuator, with a rough 3D printed heart shape.

Presentation at Maker Faire

The first working prototype was demonstrated at Maker Faire Vienna.

Here is a radio interview from Radio Froheim:

Go to timecode 1.17.55 for the part on Cuor!